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80. 259. 295. 65. Trying to end public hearings from the intelligence community about possible threats because he didn’t want to be embarrassed. 138. Having record turnover in the Executive wing, 55. 227. 81. 276. 226. Because of that puerile analysis, they were okay selling the rest of us down the river. 327. 119. 363. Pushing through a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations, 17. Not understanding a question about the decline of western liberalism. 324. At 41, Senator Josh Hawley certainly qualifies as a proud boy. Retweeting a doctored video about Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 5 years ago Video. The term gained political clout in the 1990s, starting with the success of the 1993 novel Wag the Dog. 129. Complaining constantly about no collusion and no obstruction, 22. 336. 242. 245. 112. This election is the closest in decades, so winning over an increasingly disillusioned electorate matters. 143. 211. Considering firing the intelligence community’s Inspector General. 329. Pleading with China to help him get re-elected. 195. Getting the best healthcare in the world while trying to eliminate it for millions of Americans. 86. Having a National Security Advisor who “sold out his country.”, 72. The term "spin doctor" became a common addition to the English language in the 1980s. Saying that the United States is “full.”. Attacking Admiral McCraven for not killing Osama bin Laden earlier, 48. 235. Trying to repeal DACA, trying to discriminate against LGBQT individuals, claiming he made Juneteenth popular, and using a Nazi symbol in Facebook ad. Recommending that we set off nuclear bombs inside of hurricanes. Ressa is trying to whip up a political storm using her supposed persecution as springboard through the use of ace lawyers that double as her publicists. She needs to learn to communicate like a real person, which she clearly is, not like a tedious spin doctor. He will cease to exist in the consciousness of most Americans as long as they don’t spend their days doomscrolling through conspiracy websites. 173. 334. Diverting military aircraft to a Scottish airport and having military personnel stay at his Turnberry golf resort. Spin approaches used by some political teams include "burying" potentially negative new information by releasing it at the end of the workday on the last day before a long weekend; selectively cherry-picking quotes from previous speeches made by their employer or an opposing politician to give the impression that they advocate a certain position; and purposely leaking misinformation about an opposing politician or candidate that casts them in a negative light. Asserting that April will solve the coronavirus epidemic, and that it will disappear miraculously. 145. 262. 352. 281. Threatening to close down immigration in the middle of a pandemic. 149. Appointing more lobbyists in three years than either Bush or Obama did in eight. 103. 188. Blocking witnesses and documents from the impeachment trial. January 7, 2021. Being snubbed by North Korea and dissed by Turkey. 104. 383. At 41, Senator Josh Hawley certainly qualifies as a proud boy. For a lot of people, Trump is a bad stock. 210. The term "spin doctor" became a common addition to the English language in the 1980s. Saying to US Governors that he had not heard anything about lack of tests for weeks. 144. 328. 147. 370. Telling people in North Carolina to vote twice. 199. Having his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, maintain that it is appropriate to accept help in an election from a foreign adversary. 298. Installing a political appointee at DHS, who suppresses coronavirus reports and traffics in conspiracy theories about a radical left violent uprising. 382. This tactic could enable the company to defocus the public's attention on the negative aspects of its product. Having nothing to say about Alabama’s abortion law. 183. As such, a standard tactic used in "spinning" is to reframe, reposition, or otherwise modify the perception of an issue or event, to reduce any negative impact it might have on public opinion. It was just another day at the office, but, this time, the office was Oval. He believed that if he could get in front of anyone, whether it be a Congressman or a world leader, he could reach an agreement. Falsely claiming that the memo released by the White House about the Ukrainian call was an “exact” copy. Not draining the swamp e.g. 130. 282. 243. Going on a racially charged screed against Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore. Telling people they can go back to work on Easter against the advice of medical professionals. 378. Being “excited” and “delighted” by events at the Capitol. 113. See the full definition for spin doctor in the English Language Learners Dictionary. 257. 166. 263. Insulting 551 persons, places, and things on Twitter, 79. As such, a standard tactic used in "spinning" is to reframe, reposition, or otherwise modify the perception of an issue or event, to reduce any negative impact it might have on public opinion. Accusing a 75 year old protester, who was injured by police, of being a member of antiFa. Ignoring aid requests from the 911 responders. Defending Kyle Rittenhouse, and directing federal agencies to do the same. Trump has made it clear that there was room in town for only one Pope when he attacked the one sitting in Rome. Saying he knew how bad the coronavirus was while at the same time lying about it to the American people. Being dependent on authoritarian governments for income, and being on the hook for $400 million in personally guaranteed loans. 284. Making false claims about Obama’s citizenship, 7. Claiming a historic deal with North Korea, 41. Telling a seven year girl that believing in Santa Claus at her age was marginal, 73. These are reasonably intelligent and successful people, who would never have considered hiring Donald Trump for even a menial job in their places of employment. 279. Matters are rumbling in the belly of the beast. You have seen them before. Spin is a pejorative term often used in the context of public relations practitioners and political communicators. Setting the record for the longest period of time without holding a news media briefing.

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